Our mayors, famous or almost forgotten?

What does a mayor do?

Elections 2024

Craeybeckxtunnel, Jan Van Rijswijcklaan, Van Ertbornstreet,… just a few of the many street names in Antwerp, which refer to mayors of the past. But who were they? And what does a mayor do all day? An interesting question, certainly in this year of elections.Go with us and discover some of the realisations of our mayors: they have been important in making Antwerp what it is today.On the road we’ll tell you what a mayor does and tell you some strong stories about these great figures.We start at the Zoo and stop at City Hall.

Fancy More?

The basic tour takes about 2 hours, without a pause. If you have more time to spend or just want to stay a bit longer in this nice environment, we have a few desserts for you, some extra options.

We shall pass quite a number of pubs on the road, so there’s plenty of opportunity to pause. Depending on the moment the walk is planned it might be possible to visit a part of Antwerp University.

The walk will then take 3 hours.


The basic tour (2 hours) costs € 15 p.p., with a minimum of € 150. Groups of more than 20 are divided over different guides. For an extra hour € 5 p.p.  is added with e minimum of € 200.


A La Carte

Would you like more information? Do you want to eat something with the group before or after the tour?

We’d gladly work out a suggestion for you.